jueves, 8 de julio de 2021


 Since time immemorial, Renzo had never been able to get along with physics, becoming this subject his worst nightmare... When I was sophomore I had to put up with bad grades in physics, because it was something that I wasn’t interested in at all and I felt very foreign to this topic. Until I got into University and met physics professor Alejandro Bozo, who, despite being fairly consistent with the content, was perfectly understood, besides that presents me a new and organized way of being able to consider the exercises which helped me a lot that year in physics and mathematics. Even though I like mathematics a lot, Physics started to attract my attention in the same way and in a bigger way, something that had never happened before in the media (where I even failed the subject). In addition to providing me with organizational tools, the topics addressed in the classes have remained in my mind still, making effective the learning taught by Professor Bozo (I still have notes of Uniform Rectilinear Movement and Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Movement on my walls).In addition, I remember once that the niece of the teacher looked and the teacher hugged her and smiled at the camera, something that despite being something so tiny I feel that makes the difference with respect to how the teacher does not stress teaching, since he has the didacticity to do it.

2 comentarios:

  1. physic was one of my favourite subject in school, and the past year too :)

  2. Hi!! I just wanted to say.. your english and your art is amazing! I wish I could draw like you can :)
