viernes, 25 de junio de 2021

Elements of Ecology

I don’t really feel like I have someone who I admire from my career, and to say that if I did would be lying... Nor do I feel that I have researched further in my career by drawing inspiration from professionals or environmental milestones. Still I feel I should highlight Smith & Smith’s book on ecology that has helped me a lot to understand what that branch is...When I learned about the book Elements of Ecology by Thomas M. Smith and Robert Leo Smith I felt that the information given by the professor in the field of General Ecology was becoming more understandable and more didactic, and I put more interest in the classes in this same field. I could not find a biography of both authors on the internet but I can point out that Robert Leo Smith is a professor of Biology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of West Virginia. Thomas M. Smith is a professor at the University of Virginia which has a theory called the theory of vegetative dynamics based on an individual, which explains how an individual plant exposed to different environmental factors can influence processes on a larger scale, or at the population or ecosystem level.

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