domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021

Balanced Education

I would like to give some tips to someone who wants to start university.
First of all, although it is called a career, it is not a competition, and you do not have to rush to finish it, because in a race one goes balanced, without hardship and without overexertion because it ends up being more harmful... You have to know how to keep up with university, especially when you’re new.
Choosing a career is complicated too... for some people it is easy and they decide to go for a career that generates a lot of money , just as there are people who study with love their career and are proud no matter how much they earn monetarily, they are rather interested in how much they gain in experience. By the way I don’t have to judge how you choose a career, but  how you develop it... I think there are two important factors in this: organization and motivation... are two different issues but they are quite linked. If you’re not motivated, you’re hardly going to want to be struggling to learn the subject you’re starting.. And viceversa if you are organized but not motivated, you will notice that your methods are not serving to study, and you will blame them, coming to a vicious circle... The best way to regain motivation is to go back and find your reasons why you chose your career, think what you want to do in the future...... and if you had a plan that motivated you, review it and see how you become eager to continue... And if you feel that you are very badly organized, there are thousands of methods to study... you can try them and see which one suits you more... I personally have a blackboard called the "Kanban wall" which is divided into three columns, tasks - in-process - completed.

And it is very motivating to finish a task, accompanied by the feeling of wrinkling the paper, or to put the ticket in that expensive task, or simply to delete that task that you finished 10 minutes before the delivery time... It motivates a lot to want to continue studying.

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