domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2021

My favorite Hobby


Art is a way of expressing oneself, it shows you how you feel, it is governed by emotions and sometimes immerses you in emotion itself.
One of the things I like to do most is draw, you don’t always have the mood to draw, sometimes you don’t have the inspiration either; but when you have mood, inspiration and creativity you can draw very sentimental things, and even make them look beautiful!
I prefer to draw to paint, because (it is easier LOL) I feel that when painting one needs to have references and be inspired in a less subtle way, instead drawing makes me easier to mix and take references of what I like and not necessarily that it looks good or correct. Once I tried to paint in watercolor, it was too boring! You have to wait long times for the paint to dry, EVEN if you are in your garden with temperatures of ¡¡¡30° Celsius!!! Even though the watercolor paintings are very pretty the truth... I’d still never use them again!
I started to draw like everyone with graphite pencils, it is quite comfortable to find me, just find the ideal pencil to use the most of your moments of inspiration. Then I start to draw with ink pencils, because in school I started using these, it was faster to use ink pencils... With practice you stop staining the pages and your hands with ink, and be careful that a pencil explodes in your case... or mouth!
Then I moved to digital... started using my cell phone and my finger, then bought a stylus for the cell phone... but I felt it was too big for a very small screen, so I stopped using it.

 And now last I started using a graphic tablet, I feel it is very easy to use... although there are people who make it too difficult to have a screen to look at while you have your hand with the pencil out of your range of vision... Still, I find it quite useful.

«Beauty perishes in life, but it is immortal in art.»

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021

Balanced Education

I would like to give some tips to someone who wants to start university.
First of all, although it is called a career, it is not a competition, and you do not have to rush to finish it, because in a race one goes balanced, without hardship and without overexertion because it ends up being more harmful... You have to know how to keep up with university, especially when you’re new.
Choosing a career is complicated too... for some people it is easy and they decide to go for a career that generates a lot of money , just as there are people who study with love their career and are proud no matter how much they earn monetarily, they are rather interested in how much they gain in experience. By the way I don’t have to judge how you choose a career, but  how you develop it... I think there are two important factors in this: organization and motivation... are two different issues but they are quite linked. If you’re not motivated, you’re hardly going to want to be struggling to learn the subject you’re starting.. And viceversa if you are organized but not motivated, you will notice that your methods are not serving to study, and you will blame them, coming to a vicious circle... The best way to regain motivation is to go back and find your reasons why you chose your career, think what you want to do in the future...... and if you had a plan that motivated you, review it and see how you become eager to continue... And if you feel that you are very badly organized, there are thousands of methods to study... you can try them and see which one suits you more... I personally have a blackboard called the "Kanban wall" which is divided into three columns, tasks - in-process - completed.

And it is very motivating to finish a task, accompanied by the feeling of wrinkling the paper, or to put the ticket in that expensive task, or simply to delete that task that you finished 10 minutes before the delivery time... It motivates a lot to want to continue studying.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2021

My beliefs

Today’s topic is religion, a rather controversial topic in recent years due to cases of child abuse by churches. From a very young age I never felt part of a religion, my mother obviously did what she could to be able to instill Catholicism in me, but I was scattered and ashamed to be a part of the events in the churches... yet I do not deny that it was fun to be at some events and see everyone share and dance, and I could take food from the tables. I also really liked the design of the churches, my mom always scolded me for staring at the ceiling for a long time. My mom is still Catholic, although we don’t go to churches or events anymore. My sister also never felt part of any religion, but because of her taste for India and its dances, we have been part of many rituals and events, we have come to celebrate together with Indians events such as the Holi, the Diwali, or the Navrati.  My sister studies the dances of India, more than religion, but in the different Hindu dances we can see reflected enough the religion and the meanings of each symbol.

 From the religion of Hinduism I believe in karma and Samsara, the actions that one does bind us to our future, coming to influence your karma. In addition, Hinduism possesses tremendous sexual diversity such as the existence of a third gender, inclusive sects, homosexual marriage, and even transsexual, bisexual and more deities.


Everyone’s connections to their religion are great, but it’s also great to learn from them all a little and bring them into everyday life as a lesson or an act of faith.

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2021

Healthcare System

Good afternoon, good morning, or good night, depending on the time you are reading this, Today I am going to talk to you about a super important and very unpleasant topic to talk about, because we have all had problems sometime regarding this topic, which is ... The healthcare system.
As many of you know, our healthcare system is inefficient, waiting lists are gigantic, there are people who have been waiting for surgery or a transplant for years and a group of people die waiting for such measures... This seems to me a mockery of the people, because many people do not have the means to cover their health status, and it shows the inequality of the country, where the people in charge, the powerful people end up winning, always. AFPs, drug prices, hospitals, critical beds... There are so many flaws in this healthcare system that trying to fix them creates a new flaw.
Personally, my sister is a health officer, and I always see her tired, when she started working I remember that she says,
she didn’t like working in the hospital, because it was too much burden, too much pressure for so little staff, plus her shifts were exhausting, and his colleagues were always asking for a vacation or getting a license... Which multiplied my sister’s work... It is easy to get angry with health officials, but they also suffer with everything that is the health system and its current quality.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2021

Why is important to vote?

 This action is very important in order to be able to elect a candidate who represents our way of thinking, who feels one that is reliable and above all who hears suggestions from all over the country. Me and my family, we feel that voting is important because of the burden that comes with doing this.. But we differed on something, my mother preferred not to vote because in her past she had a very good president, which she voted for and where our family did very well, but a large part of the town did very badly, My mother found out years later she didn’t want to vote anymore, and she prefers to work to survive the day-to-day. There are a lot of people like my mom, old people who prefer not to vote because they were "wrong," but this, along with the lack of incentive for the media to vote, helps people misinform, even voting for candidates who end up letting them down. The vote is very important because, even if you don’t feel involved, you always are, on the bus ticket, on the house taxes, on how many hours you have to work, on the crime of the country, and even on how to manage a global pandemic, but it is also very important to learn about the candidates and their true intentions.

jueves, 8 de julio de 2021


 Since time immemorial, Renzo had never been able to get along with physics, becoming this subject his worst nightmare... When I was sophomore I had to put up with bad grades in physics, because it was something that I wasn’t interested in at all and I felt very foreign to this topic. Until I got into University and met physics professor Alejandro Bozo, who, despite being fairly consistent with the content, was perfectly understood, besides that presents me a new and organized way of being able to consider the exercises which helped me a lot that year in physics and mathematics. Even though I like mathematics a lot, Physics started to attract my attention in the same way and in a bigger way, something that had never happened before in the media (where I even failed the subject). In addition to providing me with organizational tools, the topics addressed in the classes have remained in my mind still, making effective the learning taught by Professor Bozo (I still have notes of Uniform Rectilinear Movement and Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Movement on my walls).In addition, I remember once that the niece of the teacher looked and the teacher hugged her and smiled at the camera, something that despite being something so tiny I feel that makes the difference with respect to how the teacher does not stress teaching, since he has the didacticity to do it.

viernes, 25 de junio de 2021

Elements of Ecology

I don’t really feel like I have someone who I admire from my career, and to say that if I did would be lying... Nor do I feel that I have researched further in my career by drawing inspiration from professionals or environmental milestones. Still I feel I should highlight Smith & Smith’s book on ecology that has helped me a lot to understand what that branch is...When I learned about the book Elements of Ecology by Thomas M. Smith and Robert Leo Smith I felt that the information given by the professor in the field of General Ecology was becoming more understandable and more didactic, and I put more interest in the classes in this same field. I could not find a biography of both authors on the internet but I can point out that Robert Leo Smith is a professor of Biology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of West Virginia. Thomas M. Smith is a professor at the University of Virginia which has a theory called the theory of vegetative dynamics based on an individual, which explains how an individual plant exposed to different environmental factors can influence processes on a larger scale, or at the population or ecosystem level.

viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

My career

 The planet is condemned to death and we are the lawyers of the planet.

The biggest reason I chose my career was because I found environmental care necessary. It is a difficult process to realize what one wants to study until you know how well your career makes the world. Maybe when we talk about forest engineering people automatically think about the industries and the damage they do, but I see it from the other side, this race is essential for the conservation of the planet because we take care of the care and maintenance of the forest sector, bone lung of the planet.This is very important because currently climate change is becoming quite noticeable and it is very important for me to be able to do my bit not to make this effect so noticeable. Moreover, it is not only that, also in these forest sectors live animals and some species in threat.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2021

A story

I don’t have a clear reason why I’m talking about this, but still, I feel like it’s the only thing I can talk about.... When I was little I was the life of the party, my whole family seeing me and even my elementary school classmates remind me of great times I had with them... From one moment to the next I became another person, shy, unnoticed and with few friends...
I come to tell you the stories of my stories, this image represents some comics I made and I still do... I chose this because it’s literally the story of everything I know... And also because that shy Renzo had things to tell and he didn’t want to forget.
My first comic was published on January 31, 2020, and it was really a hint, a release of sensations and a way to get the attention of my close... I wasn’t feeling well and I just wanted his attention. In that comic I tried to be the most subtle with the hint, in fact I don’t think it seems like a hint... Yet that shy Renzo insisted he was going to piss everyone off...but ended up being a bit of a comedian and relatively accomplished his goal...
 Since then, I have felt better, I drew when I wanted relief and when I felt things were going very well... Currently I do it for fun and as daily as possible; The magic of making these comics is to show that we all have something to tell, as simple, there will be someone in the same situation as you, who can help you and give you a hand.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021

From Peru to your home

Making a decision about favorite food is as hard as choosing your college career, especially if you’re Peruvian. My mother says that if you  born in Peru you are unlikely to be a vegetarian, this is because Peruvian food is delicious! Making a decision about A favorite meal could become an intense debate hahaha, by the way I have my candidates...

What you will see below is not a top, they are 3 foods:

One of my favorites is the cause limeña, which has an exquisite flavor... is the mixture between the ardor, the acidic, the salty and the sweet... It is made of mashed potatoes, lemon juice, yellow pepper, a filling that can be chicken, tuna, shrimp, or whatever you like, egg and lettuce to decorate...

Another one of my awards is.. The wheat stew, which I love just because it’s a menestra... the texture of wheat, on top of a stew and with fresh cheese or chicken makes it a totally delicious mixture.

And last but not least, the ceviche, which many must already know, consists of pieces of fish and lemon juice mainly, in addition can bring onion, cilantro, octopus, squid, sweet potato, cancha, sweet potato, lettuce and Peruvian corn.

These meals do not really affect my health, my mother still tries to take care of me, telling me that I should not eat fish at night (I have never tried but I do not want to die trying), and trying to be healthier since Peruvian foods carry many condiments. In spite of everything I will never stop eating Peruvian food, I feel that it is something too exquisite to leave and just tasting them takes me to my memories in Peru...

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021

My friend cell phone.

 Hey, today I'm going to talk about my friend, my partner, my righ-hand man, my cell phone. Since I was 10 years old I have been changing it a lot of times, because I lost them or I broke them because I am very careless, yet I currently need it and I am so proud of have one.
It’s my favorite tech object because it has everything I need, I can talk to my friends, entertain myself and draw.I use my cell phone practically all day, as I get college emails, talk to my boyfriend, talk to classmates, watch videos or start drawing.

 Currently having a cell phone is very important, have one is being communicated with others (much more now in pandemic). I totally recommend the use of the cell phone, as it is too necessary to have a constant communication and to be able to do it without having to leave home.

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021

Little Renzo's thoughts

 Since I was a little boy I wonder to job with plants or animals, when I was 6 years old I dreamed  about being a veterinary, I love animals (I didn't have a pet but I really liked the idea of have one), also I had a book of Ecology and Nature that I really liked to read it and view the images. But I sticked with plants, because I don´t like to see blood or serious injuries on pets. Also I liked to draw, so I thought that graphic design was a good idea, but I prefered to draw as a hobby. Also I thought on Architecture, but when I am drawing I like to open my mind and break the rules.

 Finally I thought that I can be a forestal engineering, where I can choose a lot of specializations and work outdoors with the nature that I really love  because I wouldn't like to work on an office. I hope that we could go to a field trip very soon, because I'm not enjoying the good thing of being a university student.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021

It's me, Renzo!

 Hey, my name is Renzo I'm from Peru, I lived in Peru until I was 5 years old. I really like to live in Chile, I can do a lot of things that don't think I would do ( like have privacy).The time has passed so fast, and I can't believe that I am nineteen years old :(, anyway, I'm really comfortable with my life now.

 Well, I really like to draw comics, sketches, characters aaaaand *:・゚✧CATS✧・゚:*, a lot of people cannot believe that I draw in my cellphone (hey I made all the draws on this blog) , I think if I had more money I could buy a graphic tablet. Another hobby that I really like to do is playing piano, I really like to go places and play piano in public, my favourite time was when I went to an eldery place, I feel really, really comfortable and listened there, and I felt that I did something good!  Besides, I like to travel, explore and do trekking.

I'm the youngest in my family, I live with my mom, my sister, my nephew and Sussy, my cat <3. I live in  Puente Alto, near to Antumapu, but I would like to live in the countryside.

My favourite music genre is Indie, Pop and Classic. My favourite Artist is Far Caspian and Clairo, My favourite songs are Kleier Lambaol, Roc'h ar Vurgale (yep, my favourite pianist is Yann Tiersen), Liebestraum and Cursive (this is not classic).

Hey, and I post comics on Instagram: @Renz8bits

Follow me >:c